Vater/father: Spice Evasion
Mutter/mother: Sarenga Jamini
Geboren/born: 11.07.2021
Farbe/color: snow lynx point, carrier blue
COI: 26.45%
Genetische Diversität: 32%
HCM: clear 1.6.2022 at the wasserburger clinic Dr. Janthur
HCM: clear 13.7.2023 at the wasserburger clinic Dr. Janthur
PKD: clear 1.6.2022 at the wasserburger clinic Dr. Janthur
FCK (flat chested kitten syndrom): The x-ray has not shown any problems of the chest, reported on bengaldata 20.7.2022
PE (pectus excavatum): The x-ray has not shown any problems with the breastbone, reported on bengaldata 20.7.2022
Vater/father: Spice Evasion
Mutter/mother: Spice Jeera Cumin of Sarenga
Geboren/born: 02.07.2021
Farbe/color: brown/black spotted tabby
carrier marble and snow lynx(cs)
HCM: clear 1.6.2022 at the wasserburger clinic Dr. Janthur
HCm: clear 13.7.2023 at the wasserburger clinic Dr. Janthur
PKD: clear 1.6.2022 at the wasserburger clinic Dr. Janthur
FCK (flat chested kitten syndrom): The x-ray has not shown any problems of the chest, reported on bengaldata 20.7.2022
PE (pectus excavatum): The x-ray has not shown any problems with the breastbone, reported on bengaldata 20.7.2022
Vater/father: Spice Evasion
Mutter/mother: Spice Jeera Cumin of Sarenga
Geboren/born: 02.07.2021
Farbe/color: brown/black marble, carrier snow lynx (cs), carrier glitter
HCM: clear 1.6.2022 at the wasserburger clinic Dr. Janthur
PKD: clear 1.6.2022 at the wasserburger clinic Dr. Janthur
FCK (flat chested kitten syndrom): The x-ray has not shown any problems of the chest, reported on bengaldata 20.7.2022
PE (pectus excavatum): The x-ray has not shown any problems with the breastbone, reported on bengaldata 20.7.2022
Mutter/mother: Sarenga Jamini
Vater/father: Vom Karwendelberg Monte Carlo of Spice
Geboren/born: 13.10.2020
Farbe/color: black spotted tabby
HCM Schall: tested clear Oktober 2021 in der Wasserburger Klinik
HCM: clear 2.1.2023 by Dr. Janthur Wasserburger Clinic Germany
PKD Schall: tested clear Oktober 2021 in der Wasserburger Klinik
Katarakt Untersuchung: tested clear Oktober 2021
PRA-Bengal N/N
FCK (flat chested kitten syndrom): The x-ray has not shown any problems of the chest, reported on bengaldata 8.7.2022
PE (pectus excavatum): The x-ray has not shown any problems with the breastbone, reported on bengaldata 8.7.2022
Mutter/mother: Like A Starlett des Griffes de Feu
Vater/father: Spice Ginger of Brownsugar
Geboren/born: 02.06.2020
Farbe/color: brown/black marble und trägt snow lynx und glitter
Mutter/mother: Like A Starlett des Griffes de Feu
Vater/father: Spice Ginger of Brownsugar
Geboren/born: 02.06.2020
Farbe/color: brown/black spotted tabby und trägt snow lynx und glitter
Mutter/mother: Takecare Sun Scarlet
Vater/father: Spice Momo of Sarenga
Geboren/born: 22/11/2018
Farbe: Brown (Black) Spotted Tabby trägt seal lynx und blau
HCM: negativ 27.11.2019 Wasserburger Klinik Deutschland
05.02.2021, negativ Wasserburger Klinik Deutschland
PKD: negativ 27.11.2019 Wasserburger Klinik Deutschland
Katarakt oder sonstige Augenerkrankungen: frei 27.11.2019 Wasserburger Klinik Deutschland
PRA: Trägerin
PK-DEF: N/N durch Eltern
Mutter/mother: Solanaranch Malulani
Vater/father: RW TGC Beauxmondes Home of the Brave
Geboren/born: 05/08/2017
Farbe/color: Brown (Black) Spotted Tabby
Augenerkrankungen (Katarakt) frei, 8.5.2018 Wasserburger Klinik
HCM: normal, 8.5.2018 Wasserburger Klinik
HCM: normal, 25.9.2019 Wasserburger Klinik
PKD: normal, 8.5.2018 Wasserburger Klinik
PRA: N/N durch Eltern
PK-DEF N/N durch Eltern
Vater: Dakota Dainty Paws
HCM: negativ getestet 29. Juni 2016,
HCM: negativ getestet 4. Oktober 2017
HCM: negativ getestet 28. November 2019
PKD: negativ
PRA: Trägerin
Geboren: 12/05/2008
Farbe: Brown