Vater/father: Batifoleurs Johan de Witt of Amazongold
Mutter/mother: Batifoleurs Mata Hari of Amazongold
Geboren/born: 15.08.2021
Farbe/color: seal lynx spotted tabby
HCM: clear 1.6.2022 at the wasserburger clinic Dr. Janthur
HCM: clear 13.7.2023 at the wasserburger clinic Dr. Janthur
HCM: clear 3.6.2024 (Wasserburger clinic dr. Janthur)
PKD: clear 1.6.2022 at the wasserburger clinic Dr. Janthur
FCK (flat chested kitten syndrom): The x-ray has not shown any problems of the chest, reported on bengaldata 1.6.2022
PE (pectus excavatum): The x-ray has not shown any problems with the breastbone, reported on bengaldata 1.6.2022